All new staff are inducted theoretically and practically on the following topics:
Prevention of dental disease
Periodontology (all aspect)
Orthodontics (specially placed as required)
Dental radiography
Records/communication skills
Health and safety at work
Conservation treatment in dentistry
First Aid/ and the necessary procedure
Endodontology (specially placed as required)
Working with the less able
Sterilization and cross infection control
Pathological aspects of dentistry
Staff training is reviewed on a constant basis. We continue to update and train staff to help them learn more in their jobs, to also acquire the required skills needed to allow them to work better with the dentists on various dental treatments. We have a series of courses organised for the year, which is directed and aimed at areas where individual staff training needs can be met.
Update on current treatment legislation and informative refresher courses are organised on a regular basis. We have trained and experienced staff in this area who care and support patient before, during and after dental treatments. They work with many adaptable types of equipment to allow the patient's comfort and a good working posture for the dental team.
Paedodontics: Include all aspect of child dental health up to the arbitrary age of 13 years. It is mainly concerned with preventative dentistry and orthodontics for this age group and successful treatment procedures requires some knowledge of basic child psychology. We have staff that are very knowledgeable, experience and well trained in this field with their gentle touch and approach, they are very able to support and care as necessary.
This is the branch of dentistry concerned primarily with the prevention or correction of irregularities in position of teeth. It includes the study of the pattern of growth and development of the teeth, jaws and face and also the function of the orofacial soft tissues particularly in swallowing, speech, and respiration. Our dental nurses are experienced and are particularly trained to work well in the surgery and assist the dentists to achieve the purpose of the treatment at every level.